28 November 2009


Bocca Mafiosa (Testo)

Lo chiamavano Bocca Mafiosa
portava l'amore portava l'amore
lo chiamavano Bocca Mafiosa
portava le gnocche a Villa Certosa

appena egli scese in campo
contro le forze della sinistra
tutti si accorsero in un lampo
che era un colluso ed un piazzista

chi fa politica per un ideale
chi se la sceglie per professione
Bocca Mafiosa né l'uno né l'altro
lui per scampare alla prigione

ma la passione spesso conduce
a soddisfare le proprie voglie
a frequentare le minorenni
fino a tradire la propria moglie

e fu così che da un giorno all'altro
Bocca Mafiosa subì l'affondo
degli scoop de La Repubblica
e dei giornali di tutto il mondo

ma tutti gli uomini del Presidente
con una strategia surrettizia
sui tg e nelle televisioni
non diffondevano la notizia.

Si sa che la gente mantiene il silenzio
come Mills fece per l'assistito
si sa che la gente mantiene il silencio
se tale silenzio è retribuito

così una escort mai stata ministra
che le parole del premier registra
si recò alla procura di Bari
a testimoniare sui loschi affari

e rivolgendosi al Cavaliere
e all'avvocato suo faccendiere
disse "le cose che ho rivelato
saran valutate da un magistrato"

e quelli andarono da "Il Giornale"
e rilasciarono un'intervista:
"quella schifosa c'ha qualche mandante
sicuramente un comunista"

"E arrivarono a diffamarmi
questi cosacchi questi cosacchi
se qualcuno vuole incastrarmi
risponderò con le mie armi"

il senso etico non è una dote
di cui sian colmi i politicanti
ma quella volta a difendere Silvio
non si schierarono tutti quanti.

Dietro al suo culo c'erano tutti
Minzolini, Fede, Gasparri
con una lingua talmente asciutta
che sembravano dei ramarri

ad osannare chi da trent'anni
con le sue imprese, con le sue imprese
ad osannare chi da trent'anni
condiziona tutto il paese

c'era un cartello giallo
con una scritta nera
diceva "candidami alle europee
te la do se mi fai far carriera".

ma gli scandali di Berlusconi
che siano tangenti o che sian condoni
nella Repubblica delle Banane
durano solo due settimane

e all'occasione successiva
con altre zoccole si divertiva
chi ebbe un lavoro chi ebbe una spilla
lui solo in mezzo a tante Brambilla

persino il parroco lo disprezza
per la sua lotta all'immigrazione
lo spot effimero della monnezza
il nucleare, la sicurezza

e con Obama neopresidente
inevitabile è il paragone
a loro un giovane vincente
a noi un maniaco col pannolone!

P.S. I
Per chi non lo sapesse: escort non e' una macchina della ford, ma significa, volgarmente parlando, puttana...

qui c'e' trovate la canzone

10 November 2009

Room to read

Dear Friends,

this email is about fund-raising for a charity association and the goal is to raise money by selling a Calendar for the upcoming 2010.
Since some months we, my girlfriend and I, are involved, to a certain extend, in the activities of a no-profit association called "Room to read". But what is "Room to read"?

Room to read started from an idea of John Wood, who at that time was a high executive of Microsoft for the Asian-Pacific region.
The source of inspiration of Mr. Wood was a series of trips he had to Nepal.
At the end of his first trip he had the chance to visit the school of a village.
Once he visited the school, he asked if he could have had a look at the library.
Unfortunately, the library was just a locked up cabinet containing few and damaged books, which appeared to be backpacker castoffs.

Moreover, the watchman said that he couldn't let the library opened and the borrowing of the books was limited, since otherwise the children would have damaged the books by consulting them too often.
After this revealing experience, Mr. Wood had to leave Nepal, and as soon as he went back to his office, he decided to collect as many books as he could. To fasten the collection of books he contacted via email all his colleagues and friends by asking to send to his private address in USA all the second hand books. Mr. Wood would have paid all the expenses for the delivering.
After few days, his father had to call him to communicate that there was no space any more in the garage where the books were arriving. The books continued to arrived even in the following days. After some time, Mr. Wood went back to Nepal to personally deliver the collected books in the amount of 37 big cartoons. Now he was ready to take care of the new organization.

One of the idea behind Mr. Wood organization is to help girls during their education. The reason why Room to read helps only girls and not boys is due to the fact that a girl will be one day a mother, and a mother will transmit her knowledge to her sons and daughters. Therefore, more than one generation can be educated by helping a single girl.
The amount of money needed to provide a full scholarship to a girl in the countries were Room To Read operates is of 250 USD/year. For a 10 years education is obviously 10 times more, which is the ideal goal of each found raising for Room to read.

Fang Fang and I, invested in the acquisition of calendars about 400$ for 60 calendars.
The cost of each calendar is 4€. We bought some at 10€ and some at 4€.

Therefore, a normal price, per calendar, of 10€ would donate 6€ to Room to Read.
It has to be pointed out that Room to Read is, in its category, the charity association, with the highest efficiency in terms of money that really goes to the people who need them.
85€ out of 100€ go to the children.

We know that many of you will buy in the next weeks gift for all your beloved and friends.
We are convinced that this calendar is a very meaningful and smart gift to let other people know the enthusiastic, useful and forward-looking work of Mr. Wood and his colleagues.

Our education and the education of the people surrounding us, is one of the most powerful means to improve the current world which, we believe, needs to be strongly improved.
By supporting a girl to acquire the needed education, we are simultaneously helping her and her relatives to live a better and less problematic life.

If you are interested in buying one or more calendars, please let us know!
We appreciate your kindness in advance!

yours sincerely,

Fang Fang and Antonio

The calendar weight is 180 g and the postage costs are the following:

inside European Union:
3€/500 g that can contain up to 2 calendars
6€/1000 g that can contain up to 5 calendars

outside Europe the prices are doubled, while in Germany they are halved.

If you are interested in, please send me an email to napoli.antonio@gmail.com with your request and your complete address, afterwards I will send you my bank account for the money transfer and of course the calendars.