28 November 2009


Bocca Mafiosa (Testo)

Lo chiamavano Bocca Mafiosa
portava l'amore portava l'amore
lo chiamavano Bocca Mafiosa
portava le gnocche a Villa Certosa

appena egli scese in campo
contro le forze della sinistra
tutti si accorsero in un lampo
che era un colluso ed un piazzista

chi fa politica per un ideale
chi se la sceglie per professione
Bocca Mafiosa né l'uno né l'altro
lui per scampare alla prigione

ma la passione spesso conduce
a soddisfare le proprie voglie
a frequentare le minorenni
fino a tradire la propria moglie

e fu così che da un giorno all'altro
Bocca Mafiosa subì l'affondo
degli scoop de La Repubblica
e dei giornali di tutto il mondo

ma tutti gli uomini del Presidente
con una strategia surrettizia
sui tg e nelle televisioni
non diffondevano la notizia.

Si sa che la gente mantiene il silenzio
come Mills fece per l'assistito
si sa che la gente mantiene il silencio
se tale silenzio è retribuito

così una escort mai stata ministra
che le parole del premier registra
si recò alla procura di Bari
a testimoniare sui loschi affari

e rivolgendosi al Cavaliere
e all'avvocato suo faccendiere
disse "le cose che ho rivelato
saran valutate da un magistrato"

e quelli andarono da "Il Giornale"
e rilasciarono un'intervista:
"quella schifosa c'ha qualche mandante
sicuramente un comunista"

"E arrivarono a diffamarmi
questi cosacchi questi cosacchi
se qualcuno vuole incastrarmi
risponderò con le mie armi"

il senso etico non è una dote
di cui sian colmi i politicanti
ma quella volta a difendere Silvio
non si schierarono tutti quanti.

Dietro al suo culo c'erano tutti
Minzolini, Fede, Gasparri
con una lingua talmente asciutta
che sembravano dei ramarri

ad osannare chi da trent'anni
con le sue imprese, con le sue imprese
ad osannare chi da trent'anni
condiziona tutto il paese

c'era un cartello giallo
con una scritta nera
diceva "candidami alle europee
te la do se mi fai far carriera".

ma gli scandali di Berlusconi
che siano tangenti o che sian condoni
nella Repubblica delle Banane
durano solo due settimane

e all'occasione successiva
con altre zoccole si divertiva
chi ebbe un lavoro chi ebbe una spilla
lui solo in mezzo a tante Brambilla

persino il parroco lo disprezza
per la sua lotta all'immigrazione
lo spot effimero della monnezza
il nucleare, la sicurezza

e con Obama neopresidente
inevitabile è il paragone
a loro un giovane vincente
a noi un maniaco col pannolone!

P.S. I
Per chi non lo sapesse: escort non e' una macchina della ford, ma significa, volgarmente parlando, puttana...

qui c'e' trovate la canzone

10 November 2009

Room to read

Dear Friends,

this email is about fund-raising for a charity association and the goal is to raise money by selling a Calendar for the upcoming 2010.
Since some months we, my girlfriend and I, are involved, to a certain extend, in the activities of a no-profit association called "Room to read". But what is "Room to read"?

Room to read started from an idea of John Wood, who at that time was a high executive of Microsoft for the Asian-Pacific region.
The source of inspiration of Mr. Wood was a series of trips he had to Nepal.
At the end of his first trip he had the chance to visit the school of a village.
Once he visited the school, he asked if he could have had a look at the library.
Unfortunately, the library was just a locked up cabinet containing few and damaged books, which appeared to be backpacker castoffs.

Moreover, the watchman said that he couldn't let the library opened and the borrowing of the books was limited, since otherwise the children would have damaged the books by consulting them too often.
After this revealing experience, Mr. Wood had to leave Nepal, and as soon as he went back to his office, he decided to collect as many books as he could. To fasten the collection of books he contacted via email all his colleagues and friends by asking to send to his private address in USA all the second hand books. Mr. Wood would have paid all the expenses for the delivering.
After few days, his father had to call him to communicate that there was no space any more in the garage where the books were arriving. The books continued to arrived even in the following days. After some time, Mr. Wood went back to Nepal to personally deliver the collected books in the amount of 37 big cartoons. Now he was ready to take care of the new organization.

One of the idea behind Mr. Wood organization is to help girls during their education. The reason why Room to read helps only girls and not boys is due to the fact that a girl will be one day a mother, and a mother will transmit her knowledge to her sons and daughters. Therefore, more than one generation can be educated by helping a single girl.
The amount of money needed to provide a full scholarship to a girl in the countries were Room To Read operates is of 250 USD/year. For a 10 years education is obviously 10 times more, which is the ideal goal of each found raising for Room to read.

Fang Fang and I, invested in the acquisition of calendars about 400$ for 60 calendars.
The cost of each calendar is 4€. We bought some at 10€ and some at 4€.

Therefore, a normal price, per calendar, of 10€ would donate 6€ to Room to Read.
It has to be pointed out that Room to Read is, in its category, the charity association, with the highest efficiency in terms of money that really goes to the people who need them.
85€ out of 100€ go to the children.

We know that many of you will buy in the next weeks gift for all your beloved and friends.
We are convinced that this calendar is a very meaningful and smart gift to let other people know the enthusiastic, useful and forward-looking work of Mr. Wood and his colleagues.

Our education and the education of the people surrounding us, is one of the most powerful means to improve the current world which, we believe, needs to be strongly improved.
By supporting a girl to acquire the needed education, we are simultaneously helping her and her relatives to live a better and less problematic life.

If you are interested in buying one or more calendars, please let us know!
We appreciate your kindness in advance!

yours sincerely,

Fang Fang and Antonio

The calendar weight is 180 g and the postage costs are the following:

inside European Union:
3€/500 g that can contain up to 2 calendars
6€/1000 g that can contain up to 5 calendars

outside Europe the prices are doubled, while in Germany they are halved.

If you are interested in, please send me an email to napoli.antonio@gmail.com with your request and your complete address, afterwards I will send you my bank account for the money transfer and of course the calendars.

6 September 2009

The idea of freedom according to Microsoft....

I wanted to use the service of "Microsoft Office Online"...this is the answer I got when I tried to log in....(I use Ubuntu...)

best regards,

30 August 2009

This world is really at the end....


Few weeks ago, I sent an email describing a discover that may significantly help the early detection of cancer at a very early stage.
I sent this mail to all the people I have in my contact list. Among them there are several PhD, Doctor, Prof...etc. etc.

The email was in English, and although my English is not at a very good level, I believe it is understandable by everybody. Moreover, since the inventor is Italian, there was no excuse to say, sorry but I do not understand English...because the link was also available in Italian.

As I have just written the mail was sent to about 250 persons...
So far, after three weeks, I got NO answer...
Nobody believes that this email is important. Probably because nobody dies of cancer in this stupid world. Someone asked me, what should I have answered....Well, there are several options....
  1. you could have helped me to understand whether this research makes sense (it has been certified by FermiLab and other important institutions), but maybe FermiLab and the others are something stupid as well the nobel price, and therefore the research is a shitty one....This sound pretty much reasonable in a world were a pornostar counts much more than people working at the FermiLab
  2. you could have forwarded this email to anyone you know, to understand once again whether is a real thing, or just publicity...The researcher looks very serious, and he said it clearly that he is willing to give its patents for free...he doesn't want to make any money out of it...
  3. you could have started a discussion with me or you friends with the same purposes I mentioned above
Instead what did I get? ZERO answers...
On the other hand, few days ago I sent an email containing three pictures of the wife or beloved of three men...There was a picture of Michelle Obama, Claudia Bruni, and the Italian Monica Lewinski, Ms. Mara Carfagna...In all the pictures the three women were indicating a size with their hands....the size (according to the funny email) was the size of the dick of their partner...you understood it correctly, I wrote Dick, like the former vice-president (and real one) of USA.
I received it from a friend and I forwarded it...Strangely I received more answers to this stupid and idiot email than the one (zero) I received about the machine to early detect cancer...You may say, of course, this was such an important and interesting email, why are you so surprise of that? Can you imagine, now we believe to now with a certain accuracy the size of the dick of two presidents and a dictator. What is more important than that? Advances in early detection of cancer? Bullshit!

I have to assume that if a scientific invention that may be useful to save hundred of thousands of people every year is less important that the size of the dick of Obama, Berlusconi and Sarkozy, this world is really at the end...
If someone find the time to answer to my stupid email, and he/she doesn't find the same time to answer to the first email, I am pretty sure that this world has NOT A SINGLE chance not only to become a good place, but at least a decent place...And this unfortunately happens on a daily base.

I am so disappointed about this episode, that you cannot imagine. I though that facebook was a nonsense place, a place were nobody answers to serious things and everybody finds time and hours to answer to stupid-low cultural level stuffs. (this happens every single moment)..
It seems now to me that facebook is not alone...

Sorry for the anger...

best wishes,

19 August 2009

An interisting machine to early detect cancer

Dear Mr. Obama,

I am an Italian researcher living in Munich.
I got to know from some friends the following research concerning a machine to early detect cancer diseases.
I know that you are a sensible and intelligent man, therefore I decided to write this short message.

The researcher seems to be serious, and his researches too. I had a look at his CV and his works, and he surely knows what to do!
His work has been already certified by several universities, research centers, and famous professors.
All the certifications were successfully passed.
Although the evidence of the importance of invention, it seems that the big producers of medical machine do not want to finance his work, since they claim that it will not be profitable.
Moreover, Dr. Crosetto doesn't want to earn money from his patent and this may be an obstacle to the realization of his detection machine.
I hope that you or some of your collaborators will have time to have a look at "Crosetto foundation" web site, and hopefully your administration, in case you think it makes, sense, will be able to make possible the commercialization of this machine.

Your sincerely, and thanks for your work!

4 July 2009

Is Italy the only one to be blamed?

Here comes a recent letter I wrote to a journalist who was talking about our beloved Prime Minister:

Dear Dr. Geoff Andrews,

My name is Antonio Napoli.
I am a young Italian researcher in the field of telecommunication.
I just finished to read your very interesting article, hereafter reported:


and I would like to discuss few points with you :

In your essay you clearly describe some truth concerning the current status of the modern Italy.
Your analysis is certainly much deeper than many others I have been reading in the last years, and in particular in the last weeks.

You pointed out several issues that may arise in case Berlusconi's leadership terminates in the next weeks/months, by comparing it with what happens to Mussolini the 25th July 1943. Well, the situation is very different, and apart the fact that Berlusconi may be betrayed by his allies I don't see any other relations between the two men. #Mussolini was a dictator that lead Italy to a dramatic war, but, at least, Mussolini loved, although in a very particular way, Italy. On the other hand Berlusconi loves only himself and money, and he has no interest in his own country.

You mentioned that even if Italy will be one day free from Berlusconi's regime, the country will still suffer a dramatic decadence.
In this concern, you are fully right. The Italian society has been destroyed by more than 20 years of complete and extensive brain-washing.
The brain of Italians is nowadays as the Latin said like a "tabula rasa", an empty and cleaned blackboard.
If one day Berlusconi will resign or die, the Italian society will be, probably, not ready to deal with the current modern world.
Moreover, already many people, in particular many young researchers, left Italy, and the country will suffer because of the dramatic
lack of knowledge in technology, medicine, mathematics and whatsoever is needed to build an advanced economy in this second millennium.

Berlusconi's televisions imposed a model of life where to reach success you do not need to work hard and study.
Meritocracy is an unknown word to the ordinary Italian.
His model tells us that everything you need is your beauty, luck, and astuteness.
Moreover, Berlusconi convinced Italians that honesty and respect of the law is something dumb.
These two "strong achievements" of his televisions and many others have set dramatic limitations to the future of modern Italy,
which will lead to a terrible crisis under all the thinkable aspects. Italy is likely going to live its worst crisis since the end of the Roman empire.

This is surely something sad, and something that in your article has been reported.
By the way, I have a simple request for you, since I recognize the deepness of your article, I think we can move forward and mention other issues, so far neglected, in order to provide your readers a complete picture of causes and effects.

I have the impression that in the article you've never mentioned the key-points of Berlusconi atypical government or maybe better say regime. Berlusconi is the main outcome of the influence and interference of other countries (mainly GB and USA) on Italy.

Here is the weblink of an example written in italian

here is another one in english

GB and USA were extremely afraid of the power of the communist party in the 70s, and they planned (please have a look at other recently declassified documents of the GB secret service), in case Italy would have democratically elected a government formed by the democratic and the communist party, to overthrow it with a coup.
I think you may agree with me that as Berlusconi represents something atypical, also the interfering in the interior affairs of another government is also something atypical. Moreover, we are talking about "plans" to overthrow a government, which is one of the worst crime a government can ever plan.

During the 1970s Berlusconi was selected in order to realize the goal to take the power through a "white coup", in other words without killing anyone. This had to be done through the television and other tools. About this you might be interested to read something about P2 and Licio Gelli, who was the head of a masonic illegal association named "loggia P2", and Berlusconi was one of his member.
The "Loggia" had plans to bring Italy to "modernity" and the plans were consisted of five main points. Berlusconi was able to fulfil all of them,
and he received the congratulations from Gelli himself as a proof that the connection between them is not only a "mere conspiracy theory" but a well clear and stated fact.

So far, It is not official, since not all the documents have been declassified, that P2 + (GB + USA) secret services worked together in order to destabilize the weak Italian Democracy.
Here we could, unfortunately, and hopefully for the next few years, only conjecture about the dramatic secret operations occured in Italy in the 1970s in order to defend the western world from the danger of communism. In other words, we cannot state that Gelli + Berlusconi + CIA + MI5 surely worked together.

BUT...we certainly know two facts:

  • first, GB and USA were afraid of the Italian communism, because it could have show, as well as Allende in Chile, that there was a third way opposing the capitalism of western countries and the communism of the USSR. From official declassified documents we know that they planed as an extreme solution even to overthrow the democratically elected Italian government in case the communist party would have been part of it.
  • second, in Italy there was an association which had, as main part of his program, the introduction of a media-based dictatorial regime, result that has been fully achieved.
Therefore, although we do not have all the documents we need, since we are person endowed with a brain, we can put together all the pieces of this big puzzle, (see also memories of Aldo Moro's wife concerning the fears of the former Italian statesman about Kissinger), and build the whole picture of the latest part of Italian history.

Of course, in the modern history of Italy there is not only one subject which is guilty.
That is to speak out that not only the GB and USA secret services are the causes, but also the structure of Italian society itself with all his characteristics made it possible. But you know, you cannot blame a child who gets a lung cancer if his father smokes all the time.

With this email I would like to invite you to consider also the aforementioned aspects, which are not negligible issues.
And please ask GB and USA citizens not only to criticize and blame Italy, but also to criticize their own governments for what they did to us.
It would be nice, if some of the journalists, writers, and professors of the Anglo-Saxon world start,one day, to mention the responsibilities of their own governments and if one day they finally stop to describe Italians just as a flock of sheep unable to make any real changes.

I am shame of my country, and that's way I left it, but I know that a significant part of its guiltiness comes from foreign interventions.

Thanks a lot for your attention,
Yours Sincerely,

11 February 2009

Interesting article

Dear Readers,

I found and read the following article written by John Pilger, who is one of my favorite journalists.

I have to say that I essentially agree with his points, but I can also glimpse, in his words, the typical characteristic of left-wing people (like myself), where they end up to be never satisfied, no matter what happens. (Here I am referring to his concerns about President Barack Obama).

Hereafter I don't want to describe the article. I believe that if you are interested in, you can read it by yourself:-)

I decided to write these few lines, just to let you know my comments after I finished to read it.

your sincerely,

The aforementioned article was written for New Statesman.

Here comes my comment:


my name is Antonio.

I agree with John Pilger that modern media are doing propaganda and not providing information. BBC is by the way, among the institutional media, one of the best.
I am Italian, and for me BBC, compared to the current media in Italy, resembles the ideal way to provide information.

About Obama.
You are right when you complain against his first acts. Complaining and protests are fundamental for a health democracy.
But, please do not forget that if Obama acted as he wanted, he would be assassinated immediately.
In my opinion, he is a very honest and intelligent man, and he proved that during his whole life. So please do no judge him for ONLY two weeks!
Obama cannot and is not allowed to rapidly bring changes in the US society, which is too conservative, ignorant and selfish. He needs first to prepare his way. It is hard to say, but this is the point.
Moreover, you should have understood that Obama won and he is supported only because the US establishment needed him (for example they needed him and his high-level collaborators to solve the current financial problems). The day they will not need him any longer they will put him aside, by employing all the possible means.

JFK did not get such a nice judgment by M.L. King until the beginning of 1963. Only that year MLK started appreciating the man JFK. That year the president Kennedy was barbarously assassinated in Dallas, few weeks before he decided to withdraw the troop from the Vietnam. After his death, L. johnson moved forward to really start the war in South Asia.

This is the difference between a great man (JFK, Obama, etc.) and puppets in the hands of the corporatocracy (Johnson, Bush, etc.).
This is what you should point out, at least as a hope, in your next article.

your sincerely,

18 January 2009

E' cosi' offensivo?

Cari lettori,

questo e' uno scambio di mail fra me ed un mio ex compagno di liceo avuto su Facebook.
Compagno non vuol dire amico, come Facebook vuol farci credere, ma lasciamo stare per adesso Facebook, che e' un posto che piu' lo frequento e più mi convinco che serva a poco.
Vi lascio con questa perla:-)
Saluti a tutti

qui segue la corrispondenza (aggiornata a domenica 18 gennaio):

Io commentai, il battibecco, riportato con un video su Facebook da questo mio ex compagno di classe, fra Lucia Annunziata e Michele Santoro durante una puntata della trasmissione televisiva "Anno zero" incentrata sulla crisi fra Israele e Palestinia scrivendo il seguente:

Prima di criticare Santoro su questa trasmissione, dovresti/e informarvi sulla situazione fra Israele e Palestina.
Israele ha occupato un territorio che non gli appartiene secondo due strane motivazioni. Primo, in seguito all'olocausto UK e USA li hanno aiutati per diversi motivi a prendere possesso di quel pezzo di terra. Secondo, dicono che Dio glielo ha promesso.
A mio avviso sono entrambi due motivi che mi fanno dare ragione solo ai Palestinesi. Saluti. Antonio

la risposta che ricevetti fu la seguente:

Caro Antonio, forse dovresti toglierti una buona volta le fette di salame che hai sugli occhi e vedere realmente cosa succede in questo mondo!!! Tu sul tuo blog e il tuo buon Santoro su RAI3 siete estremisti di sinistra a favore del terrorismo islamico.... ecco la verità !!! Ti dirò di più.... la figura di intolleranza che ha fatto Santoro è la stessa di quelli che ancora in piazza si levano al coro... 1, 10, 100 mille Nassriya. Le tue affermazioni non hanno senso semplicemente perchè parli da estremista .... Fidati!!... impara ad accettare i pareri degli altri... e non cercare di spiegare la storia girandola a tua favore

conoscendo la persona, replicai scherzandoci sopra ed invitandolo ad argomentare le sue risposte:

Credi davvero che rispondermi alla Bossi ti faccia onore?
Credi che essere additato come terrorista da uno che parla alla Bossi mi offenda?
Credi davvero che eravamo a Nassyria per difendere gli Iracheni? Ci credi davvero?

tutto ciò non fece altro che farlo arrabbiare ancora di più (e non capisco il perché, visto che l'offeso ero io). Ricevetti la seguente risposta:

Ah.. adesso tiri fuori Bossi quando non sai cosa dire!!!eh??! Comodo ... ! Bossi e Berlusconi sono i miei idoli politici eh allora... forse dovresti accettarlo e mettertelo in testa perché son ben 20 anni che te lo dico!!!
Hai una bella faccia tosta a venirmi a raccontare di storia ma soprattutto dovresti vergognarti della tua intolleranza.
Io... Antonio... non mi sono mai permesso di scrivere sulla tua bacheca per commentare i tuoi deliri di sinistra eh tu, .... ГЁ bastata una mia iscrizione ad un gruppo (anti Santoro), peraltro senza neanche l'aggiunta di un commento da parte mia, per scatenare in te l'irrefrenabile voglia di prevaricare il pensiero altrui (tipico di quelli di sinistra!). Si aggiunga che quotidianamente ricevo qui su Facebook inviti politici di sinistra solo esclusivamente da parte tua.
Fidati Antonio, quando ci siamo visti l'ultima volta 8 anni fa... era il 2001 (... e sappiamo cosa e' successo in quell'anno) tu sostenevi che Bin Laden aveva fatto bene a fare quello che a fatto..... bhe... e fidati veramente Antonio.... che quella volta ho giurato a me stesso che non avrei piu parlato di politica con te se non volevo una buona volta mandarti a fan culo come ti meritavi.
Ora sei venuto a cercarmi tu, erigendoti a sapiente della storia, e ti ci ho mandato...
Mi rammarica che non hai imparato niente dal ns. vecchio prof. YYY, che nonostante fosse di sinistra, sapeva ascoltare e accettare il pensiero di tutti.

al che replicai con la seguente mail:

Veramente se c'è uno che non sa cosa dire, quello sei tu. Hai risposto circa quanto ho scritto? No. Perché? E' sbagliato o e' vero quello che ho affermato? Quello che vedo e' solo una assenza di risposta. Se avessi scritto una cazzata, avresti fatto bene a farmelo notare con fatti, non offese generalizzate.

Dov'è la mia intolleranza? Non essere d'accordo con il pensiero che viene imposto dai mass media, vuol dire essere intolleranti? Leggere ed informarsi vuol dire essere intolleranti? Spiegami che ne sono curioso.

E poi cosa vuol dire "Io non mi sono mai permesso di scrivere etc. etc.". Dimmi, chi te lo vieta? Io fintanto che uno non offende nessun altro non cancello nessun messaggio ne' dalla mia bacheca ne' dal mio blog. E poi scrivi "prevaricare il pensiero altrui". Cioè per te esprimere un'opinione diversa equivale a prevaricare il pensiero altrui? Bel concetto di dialogo. Io non ti ho offeso, e se non mi credi, ho sottoposto, la mia mail ed il tuo commento (senza ovviamente dire chi lo aveva scritto) a 5 persone e tutti mi hanno chiesto dove era il problema (per te).

Riguardo a Bin Laden non ho mai detto quanto affermi, ho detto che e' comprensibile, ma ovviamente non giustificabile, che chi soffre da secoli, dopo un po' si stufi e si vendichi. In particolare, se l'aggressore continua a perpetrare le sue politiche colonialiste.
A proposito di queste cose ti racconto un aneddoto. Conoscevo un ragazzo, anche lui innamorato della destra (MSI ed AN) italiana. Questo ragazzo era un militare di carriera. E' un sergente dell'esercito
italiano. E' andato a Nassyria dopo che c'è stato il drammatico attentato. Prima che partisse, io gli dissi, guarda che quanto e' successo a Nassyria e' normale, in quanto noi siamo visti giustamente come un aggressore, e gli iracheni ci odiano, perché gli stiamo facendo la guerra per tenerci il LORO petrolio. Gli dissi di stare molto molto attento, dato che gli voglio bene.
Gli dissi anche che, dato che stava per andare proprio a Nassyria, di guardare bene quanto c'era davanti alla base militare italiana. E gli dissi "Caro XXX (non riporto il suo nome) vedrai che davanti alla base italiana troverai il motivo per cui siamo in Iraq. Il motivo e' la difesa di uno dei principali pozzi di estrazione petrolifera concessi agli occidentali (in seguito all'azione del primo governo Prodi, per evitare la guerra in Iraq del secondo governo Clinton, Saddam, una volta salvo, ci diede a noi, Francia, Russia e Repubblica popolare cinese, delle grosse aree da sfruttare. Quella italiana era a Nassyria.). Ne rimarrai sorpreso."
La risposta del sergente XXX, fu uguale alla tua. Mi insulto', mi disse che ero terrorista e tutte queste cose che uno dice quando non ha argomentazioni.
Dopo 1 e mezzo anno il sergente XXX torno' a casa (nostra) dato che sarebbe dovuto in seguito andare in Afganistan. Mi venne a trovare appena arrivato. E mi chiese scusa per avermi insultato a riguardo dei pozzi dell'Agip....Perché, sue parole, "Antonio, non so come tu abbia fatto a saperlo, ma era proprio esattamente come tu mi hai detto. L'Agip era davanti a noi (immagine MAI trasmessa dalle TV italiane) e noi eravamo li' per quello".
Tu ti chiederai come facessi io a saperlo. Semplice, leggo ed uso il cervello per collegare le informazioni fra di loro.

Sarebbe bello che tu la finissi di offendermi, e facessi come il mio amico sergente XXX.

Io vedo in te, la paura del diverso. Che sia un'idea o che sia una persona.
Tu vivi in una realtà molto provinciale, e tutto quello che e' diverso ti fa paura. Tutto cio' denota debolezza.
Immagino che tu veda la Cina come il diavolo (correggimi se mi sbaglio), per me invece e' un grande tema per il futuro e una maniera per scoprire qualcosa di diverso (chiaramente NON mi riferisco all'attuale regime comunista-capitalista che vi e' ora nella Repubblica popolare cinese).

Questa e' la differenza fra me e te.

Per concludere tu qui mi mandi a "fan culo". Ti faccio notare ancora una volta che qui l'unico ad offendere sei tu e non io. Io faccio delle considerazioni, e tu insulti. Sarebbe edificante ricevere argomentazioni, piuttosto che insulti.

Spero che questo ti serva.

a questa mail alquanto complessa ho ricevuto nessuna risposta...solo farneticazioni:

tu fai delle considerazioni che non hanno senso e non stanno nè in cielo nè in terra! Ecco cosa fai! E te lo dico perchè ne sono fermamente convinto ... proprio come quando hai innalzato agli onori della tua gloria comunista il Sig. Di Pietro.
Forse potevi dare la tua opinione in modo meno farneticante... dicendo che ero per te un buon politico .... ma dire che è uno dei migliori mi sembra brancolare nella tua mente accecata dalle fatidiche fette di salame che hai sugli occhi....
Sai cosa dico ..... si.. si .... mi è servito ricevere una mail lunga 3 KM da parte tua dove.... (ed è la riprova).... ti ergi sempre a professore di storia, e.... adesso.... ti vanti di aver ricevuto scuse da un tuo amico generale....!!!
Ma vivi e lascia vivere...!!!! per favore!

al che ho perso la pazienza, di fronte a tanta ignoranza...ed ecco la mia (spero) ultima risposta...

continui a farneticare senza senso...e a non rispondere...le hai queste risposte o no?
io non mi ergo a nulla, si discute e bisogna portare fatti...nessuno ti vieta di fare lo stesso...ma da te non ricevo altro che offese e congetture senza senso...
e' un bene che non abbia perso tempo, vedendoti e parlandoti, in tutti questi anni...

fai pena...
rimani pure nel tuo mondo, che e' per te l'unica maniera per (sopra)vvivere...e ripeto sopravvivere, e non vivere...

Io non mi vanto di nulla, posso darti il numero di telefono di questo amico cosi' gli chiedi direttamente cosa c'era a Nassirya...e poi non e' un generale, ma un sergente.

forse e' finita qui:-)...


Rober Kennedy said:

Senator Robert F. Kennedy liked to paraphrase a famous quote of George Bernard Shaw's in his play "Back to Methuselah", the RFK version is:

Some men see things as they are and say 'Why?' I dream things that never were and say, 'Why not?'

In italiano:
Alcuni uomini osservano le cose cosi' come sono e si chiedono "perché"? Io sogno invece le cose che non sono ancora accadute e mi chiedo, "perché no?"

En Español:
Algunos ven las cosas y asi como estan y se preguntan ¿por qué? Yo sueño en las cosas que nunca fueron y digo: "¿por qué no?"

Auf Deutsche
Einige Leute sehen die Sachen wie sie sind und sie wundern sich "warum?"
Ich träume die Sachen die nicht noch passiert sind, und ich frage mich "warum nicht"?

17 January 2009

Book Review - Borsellino's red diary

Dear Readers,

I finish reading a book about the Italian judge Paolo Borsellino and one of his diary.
Mr. Borsellino was world-wide famous for his investigations, in strict collaboration with Mr. Giovanni Falcone, about Sicilian mafia.
This post does not want to talk about the role and the work of these two judges and also victims of mafia, but rather it wants to describe the book aforementioned.

When Paolo Borsellino was barbarously murdered in Palermo on July 19th, 1992, only 53 days after the assassination of his friend and colleague Mr. Falcone, he had a small red diary with him.
Mr. Borsellino used to bring this red diary always with him. His wife Agnese confirmed that he was almost sleeping with it.

What did Borsellino use to write on that diary?

According to his wife, sons, and collaborators, Mr. Borsellino made use of it as a prospect for his idea concerning his current and future investigations.
And which were the current investigations of Mr. Borsellino at the time he has been murdered?
Mr. Borsellino was a member of the so-called Mafia Pool, which consisted of few experts about the mafia problems in Sicily working at general power of attorney of Palermo. The leaders of that group were Mr. Falcone and Mr. Borsellino.
From the murder of his colleague Mr. Falcone up July 19th, 1992, day of his death, Mr. Borsellino was investigating on the assassination of Mr. Falcone.

In fact, after the murder of Mr. Falcone, Mr. Borsellino mentioned to several persons (one of them was the head of the district in charge to investigate on the murder of Mr. Falcone), that for him he was clear who killed Mr. Falcone. All these notes and memos have been written, according to his wife and collaborators, on the red diary. Moreover, the red diary contained also notes concerning others investigations that were ongoing at general power of attorney of Palermo. One of this was about the connections between Sicilian mafia and Mediaset, the company belonging to Silvio Berlusconi.

Mr. Borsellino was murdered by an enormous amount of trinitrotoluene placed closed to the entrance of the building where his mother lived. The explosive was place inside a car.
The diary was in Mr. Borsellino's bag, and his bag was in his car, and it was found untouched after the explosion. All the documents that Mr. Borsellino carried with him have been regularly found inside the bag, except the red diary.
A Carabiniere, later on identified as Giovanni Arcangioli, has been photographed while he is carrying Mr. Borsellino's bag somewhere. The bag that after the release of this photo, was found once again inside the car. But now without the red diary.

The book tries to reconstruct the events between the assassination of his friend Mr. Falcone and Mr. Borsellino's murder. The idea of the book is interesting and surely provides some knowledge to the readers. On the other hand, as Mr. Borsellino's wife declared, Mr. Borsellino did not share the contents of his diary with anyone, apart, with his colleague and friend Mr. Falcone. Therefore the book cannot provide the solution to the mystery of the red diary contents.

Now we have to identify who took advantage by the stealing of the red diary belonging to Mr. Borsellino. Since we do not have any evidence, it is difficult to make any statements.
On the hand we are capable of thinking and we should use our intelligence to conjecture the reasons behind the disappearance of Mr. Borsellino's red diary.

Mr. Borsellino was hardly investigating on the death of his friend Mr. Falcone, a man who has been materially assassinated by Mafia. I expressly write "materially" because the reasons behind his assassination are far from being only related to the Sicilian criminal organization.

Mafia in Italy, as well as everywhere in the world, strongly interacts with the central government. In Italy we call it mafia, in others countries you would call it corporatocracy or bank system.

Mr. Falcone and Mr. Borsellino were the most important experts about mafia problematics in Italy, and among the most important in the world. Moreover, their intelligence and know-how about mafia was far away from any other investigator. In other words, if they had not killed them, they would have, one day, discovered the connections between mafia and politics.
Therefore both of them had to be murdered. And once they assassinated one, the second deserved immediately the same destiny, before he could understand who decided to kill the first.

Following the assassination of these two astonishing figures, the feeling of a certain indignation arose in Italy. This atmosphere continued for less than two years, when a member of a Mason association, called P2, with the purpose of organizing a coup in Italy, took the power.
This man, Silvio Berlusconi, distracted Italians attention (by means of his televisions) from corruption and mafia problems. In fact he was involved in the first, and to some extention in the second.

In the years following the assassination of the two judges in Palermo, Berlusconi's media brainwashed Italian citizens by convincing them that all the judges (investigating on the political class and mafia) belonged to some secret communist sect.
Although the boundary condition were totally changed with respect to July 1992, the general attorney of Palermo was still able to finish part of the work started by Mr. Borsellino and Mr. Falcone. Particularly, under the leadership of Mr. Caselli, who was the head of the justice office in Palermo during these years, it has been possible to definitively establish the implication in mafia affairs (at least until 1981) of Mr. Andreotti, a man who has been for seven times (even thought each term was quite short) prime minister in Italy.

your sincerely,

Discorso - Tributo a John F. Kennedy all'assemblea nazionale del partito Democratico di Robert F. Kennedy

Cari lettori,

questo discorso e' stato tenuto dal senatore Robert Kennedy alla Democratic National Convention ad Atlantic City, New Jersey, nell'Agosto del 1964.

Qui potete trovare il link al discorso in inglese.

Un saluto a tutti

Caro Presidente, desidero parlare (ma) solo per poco.

Prima di tutto voglio ringraziare tutti voi delegati dall'assemblea Nazionale del partito Democratico e i sostenitori del Partito Democratico per tutto quello che avete fatto per il presidente John F. Kennedy.

Voglio anche esprimervi il mio apprezzamento per gli sforzi che voi faceste per conto suo all'assemblea di quattro anni fa, gli sforzi che faceste per conto sue per l'elezione del Novembre 1960, e forse più importante, l'incoraggiamento e la forza che gli avete dato dopo che e' stato eletto presidente degli Stati Uniti.

So che era fonte di grande forza (sicurezza) per lui sapere che vi erano migliaia di persone, in tutti gli Stati Uniti, che lo sostenevano e che si dedicavano a certi principi ed ideali.

Non importa quale talento un individuo possiede, quale energia possa avere, non importa il livello di integrità e di onesta' che la persona possa avere, se e' da sola, ed in particolare se essa e' una personaggio politico, può ottenere davvero poco. Ma invece e' sostenuto, come il Presidente Kennedy fu, dal Partito Democratico sull'intero territorio degli Stati Uniti, che si dedico' alle stesse cose che egli cercava di realizzare, (allora) tale persona può raggiungere grandi obiettivi.

Nessuno ne era consapevole di questo piu' del Presidente Kennedy. Era solito essere orgoglioso nel raccontare del viaggio che Thomas Jefferson e James Madison fecero sul fiume Hudson nel 1800 grazie ad una spedizione botanica riguardante le farfalle; e che termino' poi in New York dove formarono il partito democratico.

Lui era orgoglioso del fatto che il Partito Democratico fosse il partito politico più vecchio del mondo, e sapeva che questo collegamento di Madison e Jefferson con i leader in New York univa nord e sud, ed univa le aree industriali del paese con quelle rurali, e quella combinazione era dedicata al progresso e tutti i nostri Presidenti si sono dedicati ad esso.

Pensava a Thomas Jefferson (quando) acquisto' la Lousiana, e quando Jefferson capi' che gli Stati Uniti non potevano rimanere sulla fascia costiera dell'Est, e cosi' mando Lewis e Clark sulla costa occidentale; (pensava) ad Andrew Jackson; a Woodrow Wilson; a Franklin Roosevelt che salvo' i nostri concittadini che erano disperati a causa della crisi finanziaria; a Harry Truman che non parlo' solamente, ma si diede da fare per la libertà.

Cosi', quando divenne Presidente (degli Stati Uniti) non aveva solo i suoi principi e le sue proprie idee, ma aveva (anche) la forza del Partito Democratico. Come Presidente voleva fare qualcosa per le persone malate di mente e per i ritardati mentali; per quelli che non erano coperti dalla sicurezza sociale; per quelli che non stavano ricevendo una retribuzione adeguata; per quelli che non avevano una abitazione adeguata; per le persone anziane che avevano difficoltà' a pagare le ricette mediche; per i nostri concittadini che non sono bianchi e che avevano difficoltà' a vivere in questa società'. Lui dedico' se stesso a tutto questo.

Ma realizzo' anche ciò' di cui avevamo bisogno per fare progressi qui a casa nostra, per esseri forti all'estero, per rafforzare il nostro esercito. Un giorno disse, "solo quando le nostre armi saranno sufficienti, senza alcun dubbio, possiamo essere certi, senza dubbio, che non saranno mai usate". E cosi', quando avemmo la crisi con l'Unione Sovietica e con il blocco comunista nell'Ottobre del 1962, l'Unione Sovietica ritiro' i propri missili e bombardieri da Cuba.

Oltre a questo, la sua idea era che questo paese, questo mondo, dovesse essere un posto migliore quando noi (un giorno) lo consegneremo alle generazioni future di quando lo abbiamo ereditato da quella precedente. Questo e' il motivo (per cui), con tutti gli sforzi che ha fatto, il trattato per il bando dei test (nucleari), che e' stato realizzato insieme a Averell Harriman, era cosi' importante per lui. E questo e' (il motivo) per cui fece un tale sforzo e per cui era (cosi') impegnato per i giovani, non solo degli USA, ma per tutti i giovani del mondo. Ed in tutti questi sforzi, voi eravate li' con lui. Quando ci furono difficoltà, voi lo sostenevate. Quando vi erano periodi di crisi, voi gli stavate dietro. Quando c'erano momenti di felicità', voi ridevate con lui. E quando vi erano momenti di sofferenza, voi lo confortavate. Mi rendo conto che in quanto individui, noi non possiamo guardare al passato, ma dobbiamo guardare avanti. Quando penso al Presidente Kennedy, penso a quello che Skakespeare disse nel Romeo e Giulietta:
"Quando dovrà morire, prendetelo e tagliatelo in (tante) stelle e costruirà la faccia del paradiso cosi' delicato che tutto il mondo si innamorerà della notte e non pregherà per il raggiante sole"

Mi rendo conto che come individui, ed anche più importante, come partito politico e nazione, noi non possiamo guardare al passato, ma dobbiamo guardare al futuro.
Cosi', mi unisco a voi per realizzare ciò che cominciammo quattro anni fa, ciò che ognuno di noi ha cominciato quattro anni fa, che deve essere sostenuto; che deve essere continuato. Lo stesso sforzo e la stessa energia e la stessa dedicazione che fu data dal Presidente John F. Kennedy deve essere data dal Presidente Lyndon Johnson e da Huber Humphrey. Se rendiamo ciò evidente, non sarà solo utile per il partito democratico, ma, molto più importante, lo sarà per il beneficio di tutto il paese. Quando guardiamo questo film, dobbiamo pensare a quello che il Presidente Kenneny una volta disse:
"noi abbiamo la capacita' di creare la miglior generazione della storia dell'umanità, o di creare l'ultima." Se ci attendiamo ai nostri doveri, se ci facciamo carico delle nostre responsabilità e delle nostre obbligazioni, non solo come Democratici, ma come cittadini Statunitensi, nelle nostre città, nei nostri paesi, nelle nostre campagne, nei nostri stati ed in tutto il paese, cosi' questa generazione di Statunitensi sarà la migliore di tutta la storia dell'umanità. Lui amava citare Robert Frost, e lo disse, applicato a se stesso, ma potremmo applicarlo al partito democratico, e cosi' a tutti noi in quanto individui:
"Le selve sono incantevoli, buie e profonde, ma ho promesse da mantenere e miglia da percorrere, prima che mi addormenti, e miglia da percorrere prima che mi addormenti".
La signora Kennedy ha chiesto che questo film sia dedicato a tutti voi e a tutti gli altri attraverso tutto il paese, che hanno aiutato a fare si che John F. Kennedy fosse il presidente degli Stati Uniti.

Vi ringrazio

11 January 2009


Dear readers,

I recently discovered, by chance, the art of Mirko'.
I was on holiday in Salerno, and I went for a couple of hours to Vietri, a small city close to Salerno. Vietri is the first town of the famous Amalfi Coast.

Walking around the small streets of Vietri I personally met a young Italian artist, Mirko'.
Mirko' is a very easy going guy, although he already reached world wide success.
In fact, his art (he paints vases and paintings) is already exhibited together with artist like Dali', Miro', Picasso, Chagall etc.
Furthermore, if you consider that Mirko' is only 28 years old, you can understand that this guy is more a genius than a normal artist.

I am the last person on the earth indicated to talk about art. But I believe that art is also feeling, and since I visited many areas like Vietri during my life, I have to admit that it never happened that an artist impressed me as much as Mirko' did. His paintings, his vases are full with colors and details. I had the impression that you can observe them for hours and continuously find something new. I couldn't stop of admiring his work!

I invite all of you, in case you travel to the south of Italy, to visit Vietri and to visit Mirko' atelier!

Here there is a video about an exhibition that Mirko' held in London.

best regards to everybody,

6 January 2009

Robert F. Kennedy said ...

English version
The most of the people prefer living a quite life, rather than knowing the truth.
Well, I am the one who will disturb your serenity, by telling you the truth

Italian version
La maggior parte delle persone preferisce sentirsi tranquilla, piuttosto che conoscere la verità. Bè, io sono quello che disturberà la vostra tranquillità dicendovi il vero

Spanish version
La mayoría de la gente prefiere quedarse tranquila sin conocer la verdad. Lo siento, pero yo soy el que molestara' vuestra tranquilidad desciendo la verdad.

Auf Deutsche
Die Mehrheit der Leute ziehen vor, ruhig zu bleiben als die Wahrheit zu wissen. Es tut mir leid, aber ich werde eure Ruhe stören und die Wahrheit euch sagen.